Ali Abdelaziz picture leads to fans asking about Noah

MMA manager Ali Abdelaziz recently took to Twitter to share an adorable picture of his son with high-profile client, Khabib Nurmagomedov.

In his caption for the picture, Ali Abdelaziz revealed that the undefeated and undisputed UFC Lightweight Champion is his son's role model. Abdelaziz showered Khabib Nurmagomedov with praise in the tweet, claiming that the Russian is an inspiration for all types of people across the globe:

"Inspiration for big and small for young and old for rich and poor. May God protect and bless him for being so humble. I’m happy that my son take such a nice personality as a role model."

Once Ali Abdelaziz's tweet surfaced online, some fans took a harsh dig at the MMA manager by asking him whether the boy in the picture is Noah. According to investigative journalist Mike Russell, Noah is the son of Ali Abdelaziz whom he allegedly abandoned in Colorado.

The speculation surrounding Noah and his whereabouts surfaced when Conor McGregor dared Ali Abdelaziz to tell the media where his son Noah was, during a press conference ahead of UFC 229:

“Shut your mouth, Ali Abdelaziz. You terrorist snitch! I know a lot about you as well, you madman. I know a lot about you as well! You keep your mouth shut kid! How’s Noah? How’s Noah? Yeah, shut your mouth! Never speak about me, ever in your life! Watch yourself around me, ‘cuz you’ll be out of here quick.”

At the time, Abdelaziz was said to have been working as an informant for the New York Police Department. He also owed Noah's mother $50,000 in child support.

Ali Abdelaziz and Conor McGregor frequently go back-and-forth on social media

The animosity between Ali Abdelaziz and Conor McGregor dates back to 2018 and the pair clearly despise each other. Over the years, McGregor and Abdelaziz have gone back-and-forth on social media and ridiculed each other on several occasions.

Ahead of his recent fight against Dustin Poirier, McGregor took to Twitter to try and evoke a reaction from Khabib Nurmagomedov and Ali Abdelaziz. McGregor later deleted the tweets, but not before Abdelaziz saw them and replied.

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