Coco Austin claims she only gained 13 pounds while pregnant with baby Chanel

Coco Austin and Ice-T welcomed baby Chanel Nicole Marrow into the world more than a week ago. Coco’s pregnancy flew by, mostly because she didn’t announce it until she was well into her second trimester… plus she barely had a bump. Like, at all. She was nine months pregnant and she looked like she was carrying a pasta baby. Well, Coco posted the before-and-after photos of her body and she claims she only gained 13 pounds during her pregnancy. Do you believe her? Here’s what she wrote:

1 week post baby ..the left was me at 36 weeks ( I had Chanel at 37 weeks) I was basically in shape before I got pregnant but during pregnancy I stopped my workout regimen at 4 months preggers and pretty much became a fruitarian after that lol..No not really, I ate other foods of course but craved fruit. I lost 10 pounds before I even started to gain baby weight probably because 1- I stopped drinking alcohol. 2 – I stopped weight lifting and lost a lot of muscle and 3- I ate really healthy and took my vitamins everyday.(I’m gonna post my whole routine soon on my baby blog

I gained 13 pounds my whole pregnancy and now I way almost back to norm at 137 pounds. All this is strange to me too, how my body took so well with pregnancy because I was mentally prepared to blow up like a whale and I was totally cool with it I really could have cared less how my body looked it didn’t matter to me..I couldn’t wait to get a bump and rock it! ..I would’ve gone through anything to make a healthy baby ..I had the heavens really watching over me and know everyday how blessed I am.. I believe anybody could too go through a wonderful experience and thats why I made a baby blog so people could know the steps I took..I hope to bring inspiration

[From Coco’s Instagram]

You know what? I actually believe her. I think she lost muscle weight, and I think people are always surprised by how much weight they can lose by cutting out alcohol. Plus, it does sound like she was eating healthy and taking care of herself. Considering Chanel Nicole weighed 5 pounds 7 ounces when she was born, that means Coco only gained 7 pounds of actual non-baby weight? Ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Coco has been criticized for posting so many photos of Baby Chanel on social media. They even got Chanel her own Instagram, because of course. My thoughts? One, let Coco be a new mom! She’s so happy and in love with her baby, just let her enjoy it and show off her baby. Two, what did you expect? This is Coco we’re talking about.



Photos courtesy of Instagram.
