Stanford Volleyball Star Elena Oglivie Shares Swimsuit Picture From Turkey

Stanford University volleyball player Elena Oglivie took full advantage of her summer free from sports and studies by traveling to beautiful Turkey. Oglivie shared highlights of her trip, including a gorgeous picture of her posing on a boat in a lilac bikini, against a background of ocean and skies. She also included a video of herself jumping off the boat into the ocean with a group of friends. "When in Turkey 🦃," she captioned the post. "I was waiting for this one," a friend commented. Here is Oglivie's approach to work, life, and relaxation.

Oglivie has been playing volleyball since she was a child. "I love this game," she says. "I started playing volleyball when I was 6 and had a lot of opportunities to play different positions, but it wasn't until I started playing with Ku'ikahi (Volleyball Club) that I switched over to outside hitter. That foundation has enabled me to be a better all around player. My coaches have always emphasized preparation, effort, a good attitude, and hard work can never be substituted."

Oglivie knows how important strength and muscle is for athletes. "I have strength and agility training on weekdays for my conditioning," she says. "I will admit I do find myself daily either playing, watching or thinking about volleyball. I balance it out by spending time with friends and family. I grew up playing multiple sports to include soccer, basketball, track and volleyball. I encourage others to try different things. I found that I love volleyball and it's an important part of my life.  One of the best parts I enjoy about volleyball is bonding with my team and the trust we build from it. It has helped tremendously on the court." 

Oglivie's pre-match rituals are usually listening to music and dancing to hype herself up. On her days off, she likes spending time with her friends watching movies. "Some people believe that taking a day off from exercise or any strenuous physical activity is akin to being lazy, but that simply isn't true," says Pete McCall, MS, CSCS. "While it is important to be physically active most days of the week, it is equally as important to give yourself and your body a break by making sure to schedule at least one day of complete rest from demanding physical activity every seven to 10 days."

Oglivie enjoys salami for a quick snack. "My favorite snack at home is salami and balsamic vinegar from Trader Joe's," she says. "It comes in a bottle and you pour it on the salami. I had it maybe two days ago. When we run out, I have to wait until we go back to the mainland. My go-to food places are Kozo Sushi (for) spicy ahi donburi, and Chili's explosion salad."

Oglivie thrived at Stanford. "I was most surprised about the amount of support there is for all athletes," she says. "Whether it's on the court, in the weight room, laundry room, or our academics advisors. The prestigious academics and competitive athletics really attracted me to Stanford. I wanted to be a part of a school and program with family values and diversity."
