The best moveset for Luxray in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Luxray in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. (Image via ILCA)

Luxray is a strong Electric-type Pokemon that trainers can easily obtain in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.

Its first form, Shinx, is quite common for trainers to come across early in their Sinnoh region adventure. That makes Luxray a popular choice for battling teams, as trainers look to take on the Elite Four and become the Pokemon Champion.

As a pure Electric-type with a high physical Attack stat, Luxray is notorious for having a lackluster learnset overall. Thankfully, a solid moveset can be put together to make it a great piece in any team.

Note: The article reflects the opinion of the writer and is intended for main story use.

The best Luxray moveset in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Wild Charge

Wild Charge is the main Electric-type attack for Luxray in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. It will receive a Same Type Attack Bonus that raises the move's Power to 135. It is a strong attack, but does dish out recoil damage to Luxray as well after it has been used. It is really the only worthwhile physical Electric-type move in the game.


Crunch is a move that Luxray learns at level 56. It may even lower the opposing Pokemon's Defense stat, making subsequent physical attacks do more damage. The Dark-type move comes with 80 Power, 100 Accuracy, and does supereffective damage against Ghost and Psychic-types. It is an overall great coverage attack that will do well against everything except Bug, Fairy, and Fighting-types.

Iron Tail

Iron Tail is another physical coverage move for Luxray. Similar to Crunch, it has a chance to lower the target Pokemon's Defense. As a Steel-type move, Fairy, Ice, and Rock will feel the hurt with supereffective damage. It has 100 Power, but it only comes with 75 Accuracy.

Volt Switch

If Luxray goes up against a Ground-type, it may be best to switch a Flying-type into battle to avoid the supereffective hit. Otherwise, if you are looking to switch Luxray out, use Volt Switch. It is a Special Attack move, so it doesn't do as much power as some physical ones, but it does receive the Same Type Attack Bonus, while allowing a free switch in.

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