Why Does It Say No Posts Available on Facebook? What We Know

Why does it say no posts available on Facebook? Here's everything we know about what the notification means and how to fix it. Read for more!

Pretty Honore - Author

In the digital age, interpersonal skills are a thing of the past. Gone are the days when we were forced to meet people face-to-face. Thanks to social media, networking is made easy.

With apps like Instagram, TikTok, and of course, Facebook, users can connect with each other all over the world with the touch of a button. But technology can be as unpredictable as the people who use it and sometimes that button breaks.

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Recently, Facebook users reported that the app may be down as they are receiving an error message that says “no posts available” when they sign on. We have an idea as to why Facebook has been acting so wonky.

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Why does it say “no posts available” on Facebook mean? Here's what it means.

If you’re having trouble with your Facebook, you’re not the only one. In fact, several other users have taken to Twitter to share their grievances. One Facebook user tweeted, “[Facebook,] fix your app, please. Too many glitches on badges and posts saying no posts available.”

There are a number of reasons why you may have received the message on Facebook. If every post from every Facebook friend you have is missing from your feed, it’s likely that you’re experiencing one of the app’s many glitches.

Social media apps are no strangers to random glitches and hiccups. The same goes for Facebook, in which the app won't function properly for whatever reason. While inconvenient, this current malfunction will likely be fixed soon. Users have reported this issue time and time again in recent years.

However, if you’re visiting a specific Facebook user’s page when you receive the notification, it may not be a glitch at all — there’s a chance that they might have changed their privacy settings.

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Here’s another reason why your friend’s posts aren’t showing up on your feed.

Knowing your audience is important when you post on social media. What a shame it would be for your poor old grandmother to see a video of you twerking on a yacht in Miami when she hops online to post her daily scripture.

Instead, Facebook makes it possible to limit which friends can see your posts and reshares. If you’re interested in trying out this feature yourself, it’s simple.

When you post, you’ll notice a dropdown menu underneath your name. When you click, the prompt gives you a few options. Not only can you hide your posts from people who aren’t your friends on Facebook, but you can also hide your posts from specific friends.

With this in mind, if you’re getting the “no posts available” notification on some posts, it’s probably because a friend shared a photo or video that you don’t have permission to view.
